H & S

H & S

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In accordance with the Health Protection Agency (HPA) recommendations for Fish Foot Spas, Soft Soles Health & Beauty continue to apply the following:

Groups not recommended to have a fish pedicure:

Fish pedicures are not recommended for people that may increase the risk of infection or pose an infection risk to other clients. This includes people who:

Have had their legs waxed or shaved in the previous 24 hours (they may have tiny cuts that increase infection risk)
Any open cuts, wounds, abrasions or broken skin on the feet or lower legs
An infection on the feet (including athlete’s foot or a verruca)
Psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis affecting the feet or lower legs
Diabetic (which leads to increased risk of infection)
A blood-borne virus such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV
An immune deficiency due to illness or medication
Bleeding disorders or take anticoagulant medication (for example, heparin or warfarin)

Safety procedures for fish spas

The HPA recommends that:

Clients should be provided with medical information on any potential risk, including specific guidance on conditions that raise infection risk
Clients should have their feet examined both before and after treatment to make sure they are free from cuts and infections
Staff should log that these checks have been performed
Feet should be thoroughly washed and rinsed before a pedicure to minimise the number of micro-organisms transferred into the tank
Clients should be told seek advice from their GP if they experience any adverse effects